Project Assistant

Job Description for Project Assistant



Job Purpose – to oversee and carry out administrative tasks relating to events and projects undertaken by ‘The Circus of Food’ and to assist with the hands on day to day running of the project.


Key Responsibilities – Assist with the planning and organising of events and projects.

Completing administrative tasks required for the undertaking of events and projects.

Assisting with the identification and sourcing of suitable producers, products, people and locations for events/projects.

Assisting with the arrangement and production of advertising and marketing materials.

Assisting with the liaison and networking with various groups and people for events/projects as “stars”, workers (paid and voluntary) and audience members.

Media and public relations, arranging press releases and reviews to be written and published.


Special working conditions

Evening and weekend working will be necessary, also travel away from central location as events dictate.



Increase and improve skills base as well as acquire new skills and knowledge as events and projects dictate. Build community links.


Job Profile

To assist with the planning and organisation of events:

Pre-event planning:

  • · Assist with the organisation and administration of extraneous activities and interests to occur at the event as is appropriate (raffles, stalls, refreshments etc).
  • · To assist with or carry out any necessary risk assessments and license requests; this may be under the advice and guidance of the management team particularly for larger events.
  • · Assist with creation of advertising, marketing, press releases and public information releases (leaflets, flyers, posters, newsletters) which will be confirmed with the management team before publication.
  • · Ensure that recipe, guidance and information sheets are designed and printed in sufficient numbers ready to be distributed to event/project attendees.
  • · Ensure that there are “goody bags” and contents for event ticket holders, as is appropriate, and for a sufficient number of them to be filled ready for distribution at the end of the event.
  • · Assist with the organisation of the sale of event tickets, this may be through a venue box office, online or other outlet as is appropriate to the event.
  • · Organise reviews to be written for press and public release to be published after the event.
  • · Organise market research to be carried out, this may be during the event with face to face “interviews” or self-selecting paper based questionnaires. Analysing the resulting information and feeding that back to the management team. Also arrange for contact details for people/interested who wish to be kept informed of events and projects to be collected.
  • · Assist with any tasks necessary for the arrangement of events.


Event set-up, attendance and break-down:

  • · Assist with any on the day tasks that need to be undertaken for the successful completion of the event e.g. organising/liaising with staff and volunteers, tidying up after the event.
  • · Ensure that filled “goody bags” and any handouts are ready for distribution whenever necessary.
  • · Collect any market research and contact details that have gathered for future use and post event debriefs.



Post event house-keeping:

  • · Ensure that all services and goods have been paid and accounted for (cheques to be signed by the management team).
  • · Ensure that for all income has been collected and accounted for (confirm with the management team before banking).
  • · Ensure the return of any hired or borrowed equipment and ensure and damages are paid for (keep details on how any damages have occurred to help prevent them in future).
  • · Ensure that all equipment is checked for damage and make arrangements for repairs or replacements to be made in time for the next event that it will be used for.
  • · Analyse data received from market research carried out at the event and feed back to the management team.


General duties:

Day to day:

  • · Take note of any suggestions for other types of events/projects and if necessary follow up and research the ideas given (possibly contacting the original source for further information and discussion) feeding information back to the management team.

· Be creative and innovative, coming up with ideas for events and activities

and funding opportunities to be discussed with the management team before

acting upon them.

  • · Be passionate and interested about food, its production and growing.
  • · Follow up contacts, queries and ideas with the various people needed to make the events possible, food producers, chefs, service providers, general public.
  • · Keep abreast of food and gardening/growing trends, innovations and local producers, products and suppliers. This will help to organise events and projects that may be popular and of common interest.
  • · Assist with the liaison with relevant contacts and interested parties for events and projects.
  • · Maintain contact lists and details for locations, producers, products, workers, volunteers and interested parties for future use and reference. These can also be accessible to the management team for advice and inspiration for future events.


            · Create advertising and marketing campaigns for events and projects and

ensure their publication in plenty of time to target as many people as possible.

· Write press releases and public information (posters, leaflets, flyers,

newsletters etc) releases.

  • · Basic accounting (income and expenditure for each event).
  • · Arrange for reviews and testimonials for events to be written and published.
  • · Assist with the fulfilment of market research. This may be at events to gather information about what people like and dislike as well as ideas for future events or it could be by requesting information from contacts.

Please see the Job Descriptions for another post :



If you are interested, please contact us informally, or, send your CV or details to us at:  
or fill in this Application Form

or, fill in the form below:

We look forwards to hearing from you, and, hopefully working with you !


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