Our Mobile Cookery Classroom, Theatre Roadshow Trailer and other photos and videos

Circus of Food Trailer Circus of Food Trailer 2 Circus of Food Trailer 3

DSCF1279 2013-07-07 10.04.10 2013-07-07 11.13.07

2013-07-07 11.38.29 skipton


Take 3 Chefs at Settle Victoria Hall, compared by WI character  and former Home economics teacher Margaret Holgate

Great British Menu TV Star Stephanie Moon at Take 3 Chefs May 2013

Steph Take 3 Chefs

Steph at Kilnsey show

DSCF1411  Steph Moon at Kilnsey Show


2013-08-27 10.26.41 2013-08-27 13.23.22

Marquee and Trailer at Walk for All Charity Event

IMG_4505   demo


Baking {out of my comfort zone} at Malham Show  – Blog Post :  http://vagabondbaker.com/2013/08/26/baking-out-of-my-comfort-zone-at-malham-show/


Sewerby Advertship

#Epic Manor Bob Circus burger just been cooked here @shipinnsewerby by @circusoffood using @ManorFarmBeef

  burger 2 burger

van and trailer van and trailer2